Hey Shubie Campers!
It's February and I don't know about you but I am non-stop dreaming about camping these days! Nights spent under the stars, the smell of the campfire, a cool dip in the lake after a hot day in the sun... I can't wait!
Yesterday was Groundhog Day here in Halifax and our very own Shubenacadie Sam (Nova Scotia's celebrity groundhog) declared an early Spring. Thankfully the winter storm we had meant he did not see his shadow (he couldn't even see his paws!!) so yay to an early spring!
While this whole pandemic has felt a little bit like Groundhog Day - the same day over and over again - I could spend a good day camping over and over again. The same camp coffee and eggs on the fire for breakfast, the same smokey marshmallows for desert and the same good friends to share it all with.
I guess I'll just have to wait a few more months...